If you need heartfelt and fun I love my kids quotes then you’ve come to the right place!
Sometimes we all need a little help finding the right words to express our adoration for our children.

Love just doesn’t seem to be a big enough word on its own to describe just how much I unconditionally love my children.
This is where quotes that summarise in just a few words that unique parent devotion can really help.
Beautiful love quotes about loving your children can move you and help you to articulate just how much those little rascals mean to you.
They also make beautiful quotes to use on cards, messages, posts on social media and posters you may display in your children’s nursery or bedroom.
You could even write one of these I love my kids sayings on a piece of paper and pop it in their lunchbox for a nice surprise when they come to eat at preschool or school.
I think we all expect to love our children before we become parents – it comes with the territory. But it has really surprised me just how fierce my love is for my children.
It can be an indescribable feeling – and leave you struggling to find the way to put it into words just how much your adore those little sleep thieves who you cannot imagine life without.
These stunning loves quotes from parents to kids will help you put into words that your children are your absolute everything!
Want more happy family quotes? Check out these fun and sweet brother and sister quotes.
Heartfelt I love my kid quotes for parents
1. You are the sun, the moon, and all of the stars.
2. To me you are perfect.
3. You are the best gift I’ve ever received.

4. No work is more important than my love for you.
5. You are my sunshine, my only sunshine. You make me happy when skies are grey.
6. My love for you is like an invisible elastic band. No matter how far you go, we are connected.
7. My love for you could stretch around the world countless times, and when the world is covered, my love could stretch through the galaxy forever moving on.
8. Every day I thank the stars above for bringing you into my life. I love you more than anything.
9. You are my everything, my reason for living, my reason for loving. I will always love you, my dear child.
10. I love you stronger than iron and softer than feathers.
11. Playing with you is the happiest moment of my day.
12. If my love for you had a colour, it would be the whole rainbow.
13. I love you like the touch of a warm ray of sun, gently heating your soul at the first chance of a chill.
14. My love for you is taller than the sky and wider than the galaxy.
15. There’s no biggest number, no farthest star, no end to my love for you.
16. My love for you is a guiding star leading me into great adventures in a brand new world.

17. From the moment you were born, you became the sun to my planet.
18. I’ve never loved anybody the way I love my children.
19. I love you when I wake up in the morning. I love you all day long. I love you in my dreams at night.
20. Wherever you go, my love is with you.
21. Butterflies have wings, so they can fly. Fish have gills, so they can swim. Rabbits have four legs, so they can run. I have a heart, so I can love you.
22. I love my children. They allow me to be late to everything without having to take the blame.
23. There’s no bad thing you could do that would ever change my love.
24. No matter what, I want my children to know they were wished for, longed for, prayed for, and that they are forever loved.
25. Sometimes the smallest things take up the most room in your heart.
26. Like a superhero squad, our love is strongest when we give it together.
27. I made a wish on a star, and I got you.
28. You are the best thing I’ve done with my life.
29. Telling my children I love them isn’t a habit. It is my constant reminder to them that they are the best thing that has ever happened to me.
30. Even though my lap is too small, my heart will always have enough room for you.
31. I know you must walk your own path, but let my love be the light to guide you.
32. “We never know the love of a parent till we become parents ourselves.” – Henry Ward Beecher
33. You are my beautiful life’s work.
34. There are thousands of children in the world, and I was lucky enough to get you.
35. There is no friendship, no love, like that of the parent for the child.
36. No matter what, no matter when, no matter where, I love you always.
37. My love for you will never change. It’s been there since the day you were born, and it will be there as long as the world continues to turn.
38. My greatest wish is that my kids always know how much I love them, and that they walk through the rest of their life knowing I’ll always be there for them anyway I can.
39. The best gift I have to give you is my forever love.
40. There is no changing my love for you, my child.
41. Every day, I love you as much as the day you were born. It will always be this way, no matter what happens in your life.
42. Nothing you can do will change the way I love you.
43. I love you for the beautiful person you are, and that can never change.
44. I’m not perfect, and I don’t expect you to be perfect. My love for you doesn’t depend on perfection.
45. If I had to choose between loving my children and breathing, I would choose to use my last breath to tell them “I love you very much”.
46. “As soon as I saw you I knew a grand adventure was about to happen” – Pooh

47. I love you in the morning and in the afternoon. I love you in the evening and underneath the moon.
48. I may not be perfect but when I look at my children I know that I got something in my life perfectly right.
49. In my life, you are the sun that never fades and the moon that never wanes. Shine on, my child.
Funny love quotes to my children
50. Without my children, my house would be clean, my wallet would be full, and my heart would be empty.
51. “I’d walk through fire for my daughter. Well not fire, because it’s dangerous. But a super humid room. But not too humid, because my hair.” – Ryan Reynolds
52. I love my children beyond all reason. They’re my joy, even when they’re wild with kid energy.
53. “God, why does a mortal man have children? It is senseless to love anything this much.”— Barbara Kingsolver
54. I love my kids and I feel that without them in my life the house would be cleaner but emptier.
55. No matter how many LEGOs I step on, I’m always so grateful to be your mom (or dad).
Mother’s love for a child quotes
56. ”A mother’s love for her child is like nothing else in the world. It knows no law, no pity, it dares all things and crushes down remorselessly all that stands in its path.” – Agatha Christie
57. “Of all the haunting moments of motherhood, few rank with hearing your own words come out of your daughter’s mouth.” — Victoria Secunda
58. As a mother, I’m not perfect. I make mistakes. I forget things. I lose my cool. And some days I go a little crazy. But it’s okay because, in the end, no one could ever love my child the way I do.

59. “Having children just puts the whole world into perspective. Everything else just disappears.” — Kate Winslet
60. “Mothers of daughters are daughters of mothers and have remained so, in circles joined to circles, since time began.” — Signe Hammer
61. “Words are not enough to express the unconditional love that exists between a mother and a daughter.” — Caitlin Houston
62. “A mother’s treasure is her daughter.” — Catherine Pulsifer
Father’s love for a child quotes
63. Of all the titles I’ve been privileged to have, Dad has always been the best.
64. There is no love on earth greater than that of a father for his son.
65. You require love to be a dad, not DNA.
66. A father’s love is eternal and without end.
67. Dad: A son’s first hero, a daughter’s first love.
68. “My father gave me the greatest gift anyone could give another person; he believed in me.” – Jim Valvano
Love quotes for sons
69. You are the boy who stole my heart.
70. I love the little boy you are now and the man you will become.
71. My son, you are my heart.
72. There is one man I love more than any other; he is my son.
73. Son, just like the sun, you are the centre of my solar system.
74. You may be a man to everyone else, but you’re still a little boy to me.
75. You are the strongest, kindest boy I know.
76. My son, I’ll always have your back.
77. Son, your laugh is the most beautiful sound in the world.
Love quotes for daughters
78. There is a place in my heart only my daughter can fill.
79. You are more than my daughter; you’re also my dearest friend.
80. Daughter, no matter where you go in life, I’m only a phone call away.
81. Daughter, you are more beautiful than a flower and stronger than a mountain.
82. I never knew I could love any woman as I love my daughter.
83. I’ve never loved anyone like I love my daughter.
84. My daughter, you are my BFF in disguise.
85. My daughter, you are a miracle that never ceases to be miraculous; full of beauty and forever beautiful, loving and caring and truly amazing.
86. Daughter, you are my dream come true.
87. Dear daughter, you are my pride. No matter how hard my life gets, I will never let sadness touch you. In the end, your smile is what matters to me most.
88. Daughter, you’ve taught me to braid hair, make fairy crowns, and love more deeply than I ever thought possible.
89. My life is a fairy tale because it revolves around a princess – my beautiful daughter. I love you.
90. Some people like roses or violets, but I think you are the most beautiful thing to watch grow.
91. People say that little girls are sweet, but they don’t realise they are fierce too.
Final thoughts
Use these beautiful quotes in your cards and social media captions to send I love you messages to your kids!
If you are looking for more quotes you may like these baby love quotes, dad-to-be quotes, baby girl quotes and baby boy quotes.