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Ultimate Pregnancy Survival Kit – The 15+ Things All Expectant Mamas Need

Preparing for baby is a special time but this journey can also be a challenge. That’s why you need a Pregnancy Survival Kit to help you through every twist and turn. 

It could be you’re an expectant mama wanting to gather all the pregnancy essentials you need to carry you through the next nine months. 

Or maybe you’re a loved one who wants to put together a pregnancy survival gift for someone who is pregnant to offer them practical support. 

A pregnancy survival kit contains items for comfort – such as remedies for symptoms like morning sickness and clothing that supports changes to the body – and practical items – such as a pregnancy book and water bottle. 

This ultimate list features the real pregnancy essentials – stuff that will actually prove useful in each trimester before baby is born. 

You may also like: Pregnancy to do list

Newborn essentials

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Your pregnancy survival kit essentials 

Here’s a look at those pregnancy survival essentials: 

  • Pregnancy pillow 
  • Pregnancy book 
  • Moisturiser 
  • Jeans expander 
  • Comfy bra 
  • Morning sickness remedy 
  • Heartburn remedy 
  • Sugar-free mints 
  • Water bottle 
  • Lip Balm 
  • Maternity jeans
  • Belly band 
  • Maternity leggings 
  • Pregnancy app 
  • New baby care book 
  • Kindle subscription 

Top tip for preparing for a baby: Set up a Baby Wishlist with Amazon and share it with your friends and family so they can gift you with things you need!

Survival kit for pregnancy 

Let’s take a look at all of those survival essentials and what the best buys are so you can put together an amazing kit!

Pregnancy pillow 

A pregnancy pillow is an absolute must-have from around the middle of the second trimester onwards. 

It helps you get comfy at night, providing support to the bump, back and legs too. 

There are lots of different types of pregnancy pillow and which one works best for you may be a judgement call. 

I personally prefer the full body pillows that extend from the head down to the knees. I love the bbhugme adjustable pregnancy pillow for its flexibility and comfort.  

Pregnancy book 

There’s a lot of amazing information about pregnancy online – right here for example! – however it can be really useful to have a book to follow along with the changes to your body. 

If you’re someone who enjoys an actual book over reading information on your phone or on an iPad then this is definitely a must-have. 

A pregnancy book is also a really thoughtful and inexpensive addition to a pregnancy survival gift box. 

I really recommend What To Expect When You’re Expecting – it’s the big name everyone recognises and includes all the info you could need to know! 

An excellent moisturiser 

There are several reasons to moisturise your body regularly during pregnancy. 

Hormonal changes can cause dry skin, which you can combat for comfort and care of your skin with a really rich body moisturiser. 

And your growing body could also do with some help. A really good body butter will soothe the stretching skin over your belly and around the hips and thighs area. 

There’s not actually any strong evidence that a miracle cream can prevent and cure stretch marks. But moisturising daily definitely helped me feel more comfortable.  

The Mama Mio Tummy Rub and the rest of their pregnancy skincare range is lovely.  

Jeans expander 

Got a pair of jeans that you just love? Get a jeans extender and you can stay in them for longer during pregnancy!

It adds a couple of extra buttons to your jeans, allowing them to grow with your growing bump. 

They’re a great option for mamas who only gain weight in front during pregnancy. This can be a great money-saver if you want to avoid buying lots of maternity clothes. 

Pregnancy/maternity bra 

Your rib cage expands during pregnancy which means underwire bras are going to become pretty uncomfortable. Your breasts may also grow one to two cup sizes. 

So a comfy, stretchy bra is absolutely essential. If you plan to breastfeed your baby then a nursing bra (with clips that allow you to open out the cups) can be a good choice, as you’ll wear it after baby arrives as well. 

Morning sickness remedy 

Feeling nauseous is a quite common symptom of pregnancy in the early weeks. 

Everyone may have a slightly different remedy that actually works for them. Here are a few of the best options: 

  • Ginger snacks. Ginger seems to help some mothers with their morning sickness. Try to keep a supply of ginger snacks – like biscuits – in your bag. 
  • Ginger tea 
  • Ginger ale 
  • Crackers. Foods high in carbs and low in fat can help to settle your stomach. Keep some by your bed for snacking when you wake up. 
  • Acupressure wristband. Bands that apply pressure to a certain point on the wrist – also used for seasickness – can be a real help. Try these pregnancy nausea wristbands.

Sugar-free mints 

One of the most annoying symptoms of pregnancy in the first and second trimester is a horrible taste in your mouth. 

This is caused by your changing hormones and while it’s not a major issue, it can be very distracting/annoying for you. 

One way to deal with this is sugar-free mints or chewing gum, so try to have some on you at all times. 

Another option is to rinse your mouth with a salt water mix – 1tsp of salt in 8ozs of water. Don’t drink this, just swill it around your mouth and spit. 

I also found grapes really helped with this problem. 

Heartburn remedy 

It’s common to get heartburn during pregnancy, so a pack of heartburn antacids are a great addition to a pregnancy survival kit. 

Water bottle 

It’s crucial to drink plenty of water during pregnancy. You can remind yourself to do this with a cool water bottle that you keep with you on the go. 

I love a motivational water bottle like this one. 

Lip Balm 

Dry lips can be an issue during pregnancy so a lip balm is a nice practical gift. Make it a little special by getting a tinted lip balm!

Great pair of maternity jeans

You can expand existing jeans but maternity jeans are so so comfortable it is well worth getting a pair. 

Maternity jeans come in both under the bump and over the bump designs. 

Over the bumps tends to be more comfortable at the later stage of the pregnancy when your bump is bigger as they provide a little coverage and support. 

I love these maternity jeans from M&S for comfort and value.

Belly band 

A pregnancy belly band provides support around your midsection to help with belly and lower back pain. 

It just makes you feel support. They can also be really useful to wear under clothes to provide extra coverage of your belly. 

I love the Belly Bandit.  

Maternity leggings 

Leggings will be an essential wardrobe staple during pregnancy and in the postpartum period. 

A decent black pair of leggings is a must-include item in any pregnancy survival kit. 

I absolutely love Seraphine’s maternity leggings.

Pregnancy app 

A good pregnancy app helps you track the size of your baby, reminds you how many weeks you are and some include options for monitoring your contractions once you’re in labour. 

New baby care book 

There’s a lot to think about regarding pregnancy, but then once baby arrives there’s a steep learning curve when it comes to caring for them. 

You can get ahead of the game by reading up on caring for a newborn with a book about baby’s first year. 

A decent book will include details of basic baby care, the milestones of the first year, troubleshooting with issues such as sleep, feeding help and other useful tidbits. 

Some books are extremely rigid when it comes to baby sleep and schedules. 

I recommend getting an informative book that provides an overview of the first year, rather than one that preaches a particular routine (such as one of the Gina Ford books that advocate a very strict sleep regime). 

Newborn 101 is a really helpful book.  

Kindle or Audible subscription 

Pregnancy can become a bit of a waiting game when your due date has passed or if you’re going out of the house a lot less in the final trimester. 

A Kindle or Audible subscription is a great way to stay entertained at home! 

How to make a pregnancy survival kit gift box 

If you plan to gift a pregnant loved one with a survival kit for their pregnancy then you can pick and choose any combination of the ideas above. 

Some other things to add in the gift box for a nice touch include: 

  • Relaxing bubble bath 
  • Face mask 
  • Their favourite magazine 
  • A new fiction book 
  • Aromatherapy essential oils 
  • Essential oil diffuser 
  • Protein bars 
  • Hand lotion 

Parcel the items together in a gift box, or use a wicker hamper lined with shredded paper. Wrap it up with clear saran wrap and a big bow.  

Once baby has arrived you may also like to check out this guide to putting together a DIY new mum gift hamper.

Pregnancy survival kit

Vicky Smith is a mother of two daughters and a journalist. She has been writing and vlogging about parenting for over five years.