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20 One-Minute Tidy Habits for a Clean Home

Wish you had a tidier home but can’t figure out how to find the time? I’ve got over 20 one-minute tidy habits for a clean home that can help!

First of all a quick reality check. Having an always sparkly clean home when you have a family, and/or a busy job, is not possible. But what you can do is find a way to manage the mess. 

Woman cleaning house with little girl

And studies show that people with cluttered homes are more likely to feel fatigued, stressed and anxious. So a cleaner house is a happier one, and finding easier, quick ways to achieve that is what this video is all about!

You may also like: How to clean your house in 2 hours or less

Easy habits for a tidy home

These a re simple habits you can bring into your everyday routine to make a big difference to the state of your home. 

Get storage right

First up, it’s not always about what you can see. It’s also about what’s behind cupboard doors. 

Part of being able to do one-minute tidy-up habits successfully is having your home in order at the start. 

So begin this process with a huge declutter – you could set yourself the challenge of doing it all in one go or one drawer or cupboard at a time. 

The process should be: 

  • Have everything out of the cupboard/drawer/box. 
  • Go through everything and decide what to keep, what to store (in the attic, garage or elsewhere) if it’s something you do not use every day, and what to throw out. 
  • Aim to organise stuff by category – everything should have a home so that when you come to tidy up you know exactly where to put it and there is space. 
  • Put it back neatly – start with things folded, organised by colour or stacked and you are more likely to maintain that level of tidiness. 
  • Store your cleaning supplies neatly so they are easy to find and get out for a quick clean of your home. 

Plus get the right storage. It makes it so much easier to find things you need. The solution in my experience is never more storage, but actually decent storage that is accessible and regularly getting rid of stuff you do not need. 

Designate homes for everything 

It is so important that everything you own has a place. By doing this you are setting yourself up for success and an easier life when you come to tidy up your home. 

When you have a place for everything then you can tidy up the kids’ toys faster, because you are not trying to stuff too many things into one storage box. When you put away clothes you can do so faster because you know exactly where they go. 

This also means that storage is less likely to become overwhelmed, as you will ensure the space accommodates the things you have, or you declutter to prioritise the important items.

Use a cleaning planner 

When great habit to get into for a tidier home is to get a useful cleaning planner that reminds you of all the things you need to get done. 

You can get a beautiful printable cleaning planner here.  

Put away seasonal stuff

Seasonal items can clutter up your drawers, cupboards and surfaces. 

Store things like outdoor cushions, summer hats and warm clothes that you are not currently using somewhere out of the way so you have more room for the things you use every day right now. 

Make it look pretty

When you organise your home in a way that looks beautiful you will be much more encouraged to keep up with the habit. 

The initial overhaul of a messy home may be overwhelming, but when it looks lovely and you have organised your storage 

Make use of high shelves 

A high shelf shouldn’t be wasted just because it it tough to reach. 

Make it easier to use with good storage baskets. I have found ones with handles facing out so you can easily pull it down from the shelf and access everything inside. 

Doing this means you never lose anything at the back of the shelf and that you are making the best use of the space you have. 

Bin out of date food

Check the dates on food whenever you open a cupboard or your fridge. Aim to have a quick look at the dates on the jars and tins you see there, just so you can clear out stuff that’s taking up space. 

Also be realistic about the food in your cupboards – will you really use that jar of pickled cabbage that’s been there for nine months?

Part of maintaining a tidy home is ensuring it isn’t cluttered up with stuff you do not need. 

Take shortcuts when cleaning 

One of my favourite quick cleaning shortcuts is using a baby wipe to quickly go over a dusty surface, or wipe down the outside of the bin when it is splattered with food. 

It also saves time when you clean a room while you happen to be in there. For example after I take a shower I will often then clean the shower screen door and the basin.

Never waste a trip 

I always ensure that when I am moving around my house that I never waste a trip. 

If I enter my children’s rooms then I will always do something towards tidying, even if it is as simple as picking up some laundry. 

When I go up or down the stairs I will take something with me that needs putting away. 

Have an evening kitchen routine 

Your kitchen can be one of the most untidy places in the home because it is somewhere you spend a lot of time, it needs to store a lot of stuff and it’s often a dumping ground for paperwork. 

Keep it tidy by ensuring you have a routine every evening after cooking. 

Wipe down the surfaces once the dishes are done. This will encourage you to pick up papers and stuff left on the surfaces, and keep them tidy and clear. 

Clean your toaster 

Having a toaster that is covered with crumbs and kitchen grease makes the room look messier. 

So spend a minute wiping it down. Quick cleaning tip – use a small paint brush to get into any small gaps to dust away crumbs. 

Always unplug your toaster before cleaning and you only need a very damp cloth, not a wet one, to clean it. 

Always put away dirty dishes/clean right away 

Get in the habit of putting away your dishes as soon as you are done eating or once they have been cleaned. 

Dishwasher loaded at night and unloaded in morning

We always unload our dishwasher first thing in the morning and then fill it with dirty dishes as the day goes on. 

This means our kitchen surfaces stay tidy throughout the day. 

Make sure shiny stuff shines

It’s amazing what a difference it makes to a room when things have become grimy and lost their shine. 

Remove limescale from shower screen doors, and shine taps and towel rails to help give rooms an instant lift. 

I use either vinegar or a limescale removal spray to do this.

Open up windows 

Allowing fresh air into the house combats mould and bad smells. 

Make beds every morning 

A simple way to make all of the bedrooms in your home look tidy is to be in the habit of making the beds every morning. 

And encourage your kids to pitch in and help too. It can also make a really big difference to clear the decks – picking up everything on the floor – first thing in the morning. 

Quick desk/surface refresh

Desks and crafting tables get cluttered really quickly. I have a quick one-minute tidy up every time I go into one of the children’s rooms to get their desks looking much neater. 

Deal with piles of paperwork 

Do not delay getting round to the piles of paperwork. Deal with it on a weekly basis and it will not become messy, or too time consuming. 

Get kids to put away toys before playing with new ones 

Tidying up shouldn’t just be the adults’ responsibility. 

Get your kids to pitch in too by encouraging them to tidy away toys they have finished playing with before they can get new ones out. 

Have a pre-bedtime tidy-up 

Every day after dinner, but before bedtime, I have a quick scout around the house picking up things and putting them away. 

I spend a minute or less in each room but it makes a huge difference to be in this habit!

One minute tidy up habits for a clean home

Vicky Smith is a mother of two daughters and a journalist. She has been writing and vlogging about parenting for over five years.